Get details of a copy job

This call gets the details of an asynchronous bulk copy job. This information will be available for up to a month after the job has been completed.


If you are using Seven Bridges Platform EU, please use the following endpoint:{job_id}


See a list of Seven Bridges Platform-specific response codes that may be contained in the body of the response.

Response body

KeyData typeDescription
idstringID of this copy job
resultstringThe result of the copy job.
typestringThe type of job which is COPY.
statestringThe following states are available:

failed_filesstringThe number of files that failed to copy.
completed_filesstringThe number of files that were successfully copied.
total_filesstringThe total number of files that were processed during the job.
started_onstringThe time and date the copy job started.
finished_onstringThe time and date the copy job has finished.