Get details of an automation

This call returns the details of a specified automation. The following are the available statuses:

  • Queued for execution - the automation run has been queued for execution, and it will proceed Sent to execution state shortly.
  • Sent to execution - the automation run has been submitted for execution, and it will proceed to Running state shortly.
  • Queued for termination - the automation run has been submitted for termination after the user aborted it and will proceed to Aborted state shortly.
  • Running - the automation run is in progress.
  • Aborted - the automation has been cancelled i.e. aborted by you.
  • Finished - the automation run has been completed successfully.
  • Failed - the automation run failed to complete.
  • Actions - the option for re-running an automation.


If you are using Seven Bridges Platform EU, please use the following endpoint:{automation_id}


See a list of Seven Bridges Platform-specific response codes that may be contained in the body of the response.
