About Data Studio
Bring interactive analysis to your data
Seven Bridges Data Studio is an interactive analysis tool on the Seven Bridges Platform for data exploration and visualization using familiar environments like JupyterLab and RStudio. Data Studio complements other tools for data exploration including the Genome Browser.
Bioinformatics analyses rarely complete with the execution of a workflow and results often need to be further analyzed. In most cases, the size of the data makes it impossible (or at least very impractical) to download results and perform further analysis on a local machine. Instead, Data Studio brings the analytical tool to your data, integrating them within the Platform. When you need to run a few very simple shell commands to explore data or perform a more complex analysis using Python or R, Data Studio will enable you to do it directly on the Platform, thus avoiding the time and resource consuming process of downloading data to the local machine.
Key features of Data Studio are:
- Allows you to perform analyses directly where your data is.
- Allows you to save outputs of analyses to your projects on the Platform.
- Uses JupyterLab or RStudio as the computational environment.
- Is tightly integrated with the Platform.
Terms and concepts
Below is a list of terms that will help you understand the key concepts and technologies behind Data Studio.
- analysis - A way of organizing notebooks, scripts, and files to meaningfully represent one unit of work. An analysis is an integral part of a project on the Platform.
- editor - The environment where you edit the analysis code and additional content, reference project and analysis files in your code and execute the analysis. Available editors in Data Studio are JupyterLab and RStudio (beta).
- Session - A single run of an analysis, from the initialization of the server instance to run the analysis on, until the analysis is stopped and saved.
Updated almost 3 years ago