Collaboration within an Enterprise
Enterprise accounts include a subset entities and corresponding roles that enable you to collaborate on projects more efficiently within your organization.
The following structural entities are available to users with an Enterprise account for a given organization:
- Enterprise - An Enterprise on the Platform is the collection of all users with Enterprise accounts for a given organization. It is managed by the Enterprise account administrator, which is a super-user role that grants the highest level of Platform permissions. The Enterprise account administrator is responsible for creating and managing Divisions.
- Division - A Division on the Platform is a subgroup of users within an Enterprise. Use the Division entity to replicate the structure and hierarchy of an organization, such as departmental groups on the Platform. Divisions are created by Enterprise account administrators, but may be assigned Division administrator to manage the Division.
- Team: A Team on the Platform is a subgroup of a Division. Teams may be created by the Division administrator to simplify adding multiple members to a project simultaneously. One Division member can belong to multiple Teams.
All Enterprise account users on the Seven Bridges Platform belong to at least one Division within the Enterprise, and may belong to more than one Team.
To allow fine-grained permissions over the available tasks within a Division, collaborators are divided into several user roles:

- Enterprise administrator - This role contains the most permissions on the Platform. The Enterprise administrator is responsible for creating and managing Divisions (see Manage an Enterprise) as well as managing billing information for all Divisions.
- Division administrator - The Division administrator is responsible for managing Division members and Teams as well as the billing information for the Division.
- Division member - Division members can be added to a project as a collaborator either as an individual or as a member of a Team (in case your Team has been added to the project).
- External collaborator - An external collaborator is able to collaborate on a project as an associate of the organization. Their permissions for a project are set by the Division administrator. An external collaborator can be added to projects or docker repositories as members, but are not allowed to create new projects or docker repositories. Furthermore, an external collaborator cannot be added as a member to a volume (connected cloud storage) and also can't list volumes. If a whole Division is added as a member to an entity, this does not include external collaborators by default. They will need to be added explicitly. Read more about the External collaborator role.
Updated 2 months ago