Core Docker commands
This section contains core Docker commands for running containers and pushing images to the Seven Bridges images registry.
Enterprise users
If you are an Enterprise user i.e. are a member of a Division, please refer to Docker for Enterprise
First make sure Docker is running
- Mac OS 10.10.3 Yosemite or newer: run Docker Desktop for Mac and start a terminal of your choice.
- Mac OS 10.8 Mountain Lion or newer: run Docker Quickstart terminal to start Docker Machine.
- Windows 10: run Docker Desktop for Windows and start a terminal of your choice.
- Windows 7 or 8: run Docker Quickstart Terminal to start Docker Machine.
- Linux: no action required.
If you are using the Seven Bridges Platform on AWS EU, please use
as the image registry instead
Command | Effect |
docker login | This returns a prompt for your Seven Bridges credentials, and then, if satisfied, gives you access to the Seven Bridges registry. Don't forget to add to this command, or else the utility will attempt to log you in to the Docker Hub registry.You can enter your username in the following ways: In the same format as when logging in to the Platform (including uppercase, periods etc.). As the email address you used to register for the account on the Platform. You should enter your authentication token in response to the password prompt, not your Seven Bridges password. |
docker run -ti <image> | This runs a Docker container on your local machine. <image> can be any image in Docker Hub or the Seven Bridges image registry that you have uploaded or have permission to access. The -ti flag makes the container run, interactively.If you are opening an image from Docker Hub, specify <image> using <docker_repository>[:tag] , e.g. ubuntu .If you are opening an image from the Seven Bridges registry, <image> should be specified using the format<username>/<repository_name>[:tag] , e.g . |
docker ps -a | This lists all your Docker containers. |
docker commit <container ID><username>/<repository_name>[:tag] | This takes an image (snapshot) of the container with ID <container ID> , and names the image with the format recognised by the Seven Bridges registry.You can find the container ID of an image using docker ps -a .If you are using Enterprise, please follow the Docker for Enterprise image naming convention. |
docker images | This lists all your local Docker images. |
docker tag <image><username>/<repository_name> | This tags the image with a reference to the Seven Bridges registry. If you are using Enterprise, please follow the Docker for Enterprise image naming convention. |
docker push<username>/<repository_name>[:tag] | This uploads your Docker image to the Seven Bridges image registry, so that the tool in it can be used on the Platform. If you are using Enterprise, please follow the Docker for Enterprise image naming convention. |
docker rmi<username>/<repository_name>[:tag] | This removes the specified Docker image from your local machine. If you are using Enterprise, please follow the Docker for Enterprise image naming convention. |
docker pull<username>/<repository_name>[:tag] | This downloads the specified image from the Seven Bridges registry. If you are using Enterprise, please follow the Docker for Enterprise image naming convention. |
docker logout | This terminates your connection to the Seven Bridges image registry. |
Updated almost 3 years ago