Real-time job monitoring
The Platform lets you monitor job activity in real time via the visual interface. As long as the instance on which the jobs was running is active, you can access the following information about the job execution environment:
- Job name and status.
- Standard output and error streams: last 1000 lines; toggle between stdout and stderror or show both streams.
- Workspace directory content and structure.
- Head and Tail preview of text file formats of files in the workspace directory.
- Instance metrics for the duration of the job.

To access job execution information, follow these steps:
- Navigate to the project where the task is being executed.
- Click the Tasks tab and then click the name of the desired task.
- To open the Task stats page, click View stats & logs.
- Click on the desired job line. You see the Real-Time Monitoring button in the right panel.

- Click Real-Time Monitoring. You are now taken to the Real-time job monitoring view, where you can access job information.
Updated over 4 years ago