Command reference
Use SBFS, a command line tool, to interact with the Seven Bridges project files mounted as a local file system. The general syntax for the SBFS commands is:
sbfs [global-parameters] command [command-parameters]
Global parameters
Global parameters can be used anywhere within the command line. On the other hand, command-specific parameters can only be used after specifying the command.
If a global parameter is not applicable for a given command, it will be ignored. For an example, if you use an --api-endpoint
parameter with the version command or --profile
parameter with the unmount command the specified global parameter will be ignored.
The following global parameters are available:
Parameter | Description |
--profile <profile-name> | The configuration profile from the unified configuration file. If omitted, the default profile ("default") is used. |
--api-endpoint <url> | Use this parameter to explicitly provide the API endpoint for the Platform: This parameter must be used in combination with explicitly passing your authentication token as mentioned below. If this parameter is provided explicitly through the command line, it overrides stored parameters within the unified configuration file or environment variables. |
--auth-token <token> | Use this parameter to pass your authentication token explicitly. This parameter must be used in combination with explicitly passing the API endpoint, as mentioned above. If these parameters are provided through the command line, they will override the parameters specified in the credentials file or as environment variables. |
debug | This parameter Includes debug information in the output (verbose output). |
--help | Use this parameter to display help for a specific command. |
The following commands are available. Learn more about each command from the resources below the table.
Command | Description |
configure | Configure credentials for accessing a project on the Seven Bridges Platform. |
list | List projects which are available for mounting. |
mount | Mount files from the specified Seven Bridges project as a local file system. |
unmount | Unmount a file system previously mounted via SBFS. |
version | Display the currently used version of the application. |
`help | Display help on a specific command or display general help if the command is omitted. |
Updated over 7 years ago