Interactive Web Apps


The Seven Bridges Platform hosts a public Interactive Web Apps repository that can be used to perform further analyses on your data. The apps found there can be used for different purposes with a focus on exploratory analysis.

The app cards feature a Start button in the bottom-right corner. Before execution, these apps require that you define a project in which they will run. In addition, every executed on-demand app will be listed under the Interactive Apps tab in the selected project.

Run an Interactive Web App

To run an Interactive Web App, follow the steps below:

  1. On the Seven Bridges Platform main menu bar, click Public Apps > Interactive Web Apps. The Interactive Web Apps gallery opens.
  2. Click Start next to the app you want to run and the launch dialog is displayed.

Follow the steps below to launch the app:

  • Edit the App name field if you want to change the suggested name.
  • Select the project in which you want to run the app.
  • Define Suspend time settings. Suspend time is the period of inactivity after which the app and the instance it is running on are stopped automatically, which helps prevent unnecessary costs. Minimum suspend time is 15 minutes.
  • Click Launch. The app initialization process starts. Once initialization is completed, your app opens and is ready for use.

When you're done using the app, make sure to click Stop in the top right corner to stop its execution. This prevents additional and unnecessary costs resulting from leaving the app running when you are not using it.

All interactive on-demand web apps in a project are listed under the Interactive Apps tab:

Rerun a previously executed on-demand app

An on-demand interactive web app that has already been added to and executed in a project can be run again from the same project, without the need to add again it from the Interactive Web Apps gallery.

To rerun an app, follow the steps below.

  1. Open the project that contains the app you want to rerun.
  2. Within the project, open the Interactive Apps tab.
  3. Click Start next to the app you want to rerun. The app initialization process starts. Once initialization is completed, your app opens and is ready for use.