Developer Hub

Seven Bridges provides developer tools for researchers who want to retain all capabilities of the command line with the power of the Seven Bridges Platform behind them.



To set your Seven Bridges credentials, you will need to authenticate with your authentication token, which you can obtain from the developer dashboard.


Seven Bridges provides an API for integration and automation.
Use the API to automate each step of an analysis for high throughput workflows.


Seven Bridges' Docker-based Software Development Kit (SDK) lets you easily wrap your own tools and execute them on the Seven Bridges Platform or anywhere that supports the Common Workflow Language.


Wrap and run your tools using Docker and the Seven Bridges SDK.


The Common Workflow Language

Both the SDK and the API read, write and run the Common Workflow Language (CWL), an open specification for data analysis workflows. The SDK Tool Editor generates a CWL description of a tool, using information inputted to its graphical interface. The API reads and writes tool descriptions as JSON formatted CWL.

Learn more about CWL on the CWL homepage.

Command Line Uploader

Seven Bridges provides an upload client that runs from the command line. Use it to efficiently upload files from remote servers, or to incorporate file uploading into other workflows.


We always welcome feedback!

If you have any questions, comments, or bug reports on the developer documentation please do not hesitate to contact us at