Account settings
The Account settings page allows you to manage your basic account information.
Access Account Settings
To access to your account settings:
- Click on your username in the top righthand corner.
- Select Account settings. The Account Settings page is displayed.

Use the tabs on the top to navigate between:
- Account Settings to manage your basic information.
- Dataset access to enable access to the TCGA data.
Manage your basic information
Click on the Account Settings tab on the top to change your personal information as well as your email address and password. Note that you won't be able to change the username you chose at sign-up.
Access TCGA data from the Platform
If you have an account on the Cancer Genomics Cloud (CGC) with access to TCGA controlled data, you can access it from the Platform by connecting the two accounts:
- Log into the CGC.
- On the main menu bar click Developer > Authentication token.

- Copy the token (click Generate to create it if this is the first time you are using it).
- Go back to the Seven Bridges Platform.
- Click your username in the top right and choose Account Settings.
- Click the Dataset access tab.

- Paste the token in the form at the bottom of the page and click Connect account.
Account inactivity
If you haven't logged in to the Platform in 90 days, your account will be temporarily disabled due to inactivity. Prior to temporary account deactivation, you will be notified by email and will be provided with the option to log in and keep your account active.
If your account does get deactivated, you will not be able to use it to log in, but your data remains on the Platform and is not affected in any way. To re-enable your account, follow these steps:
- Log in to the Platform with your username and password. Account reactivation dialog is displayed.
- Click Activate account. Reactivation email is sent to your account's email address.
- Open the reactivation email in your email inbox and click Activate account. You are taken to the password setting screen on the Platform.
- Set a new password. Make sure that the password matches all requirements listed below the password entry field.
- Click Activate account. Your account is now reactivated.
- Log in with your username and your new password. You are taken to the dashboard and can continue working with the Platform.
When the reactivation email is sent, you have 6 hours to activate the account.
Updated over 1 year ago